South students envision America

South students envision America

Dahria Charadnichenka, News Editor

“We’re in charge of our own future,” said senior Mukundhan Tuppil, “and so voting is one way to contribute to that future.” Tuppil is the founder of Ballot Your Future, a new student run club at South.
Only 46.1 percent of voters aged 18 – 29 participated in the November 2016 presidential election, according to the United States Census Bureau, the federal agency that is responsible for collecting data and statistics on the U.S. and the economy.

Inspired by Model United Nations club at South and recognizing the lack of young voters in the past, Tuppil founded Ballot Your Future. “The point of the organization is to streamline information, to educate and empower voters to do more,” said Tuppil.

This non-profit organization is set on encouraging teenagers who have reached voting age to participate in the elections.

Freshman Renee Pujara, a member of the organization, said, “[The United States] has a democracy and voting is our way of being part of this country.”