Afternoon prayer available during school hours for Ramadan


Artwork by Grace Choe

Wardah Samad, Guest Writer

For the first time during Ramadan, Muslim students at South have the opportunity to pray Dhuhr, an obligatory afternoon prayer that falls during school hours. The Muslim Students Association (MSA) was recently formed so students would be able to pray in the afternoon during Ramadan.
Ramadan is a month in Islam that focuses on self reflection, spiritual cleansing and strengthening one’s faith in God. It lasts 30 days and is based on the Islamic 354-day lunar calendar. Every day during this month, Muslims worldwide cut out all food and water from sunrise to sunset.
They also practice self-control in other daily activities such as limiting social media. In doing so, they have the opportunity to reflect on their privileges and acknowledge their blessings. Ramadan is a chance for every Muslim to become the best versions of themselves–the kindest, most empathetic and generous version. The end of Ramadan is celebrated with the holiday Eid. This year Eid falls on June 5.
Another reason students formed the MSA is because they felt that it was important to educate non-Muslim students, faculty and staff about a religion that is deeply misunderstood. The MSA is bringing awareness to the beauty that lies in their faith.