With a swift move and a quick blow with his left foot, Jacob Nielsen (‘25) steals the ball from the other team and passes it up the field. Standing 5 feet 10 inches and weighing 155 pounds, Nielsen is remarkable, dominating anybody that tries to cross South’s backline.
Nielsen is the starting center back and a captain for South’s boys soccer team. This is his second year as a captain and his third year on the varsity team. In his first year, he was captain of the freshman team. He has played overseas in Sweden with SALA and in national level tournaments in Virginia.
Nielsen’s competitive nature is undeniable. “He’s all business when he’s on the soccer field,” said Coach Matthew Coburn, head coach of the boys varsity soccer team. “Soccer is the only thing that exists, and he loves to win. He hates to lose.”
Nielsen’s soccer journey started in a house full of athletes. “Soccer’s been a part of my family. I’m the youngest and I’ve seen all my brothers and sisters play, so I was gonna play no matter what. And then I kind of just fell in love with it,” said Nielsen.
The Nielsen name is familiar in South soccer history. “He’s a Nielsen, and there’s a lot of great Nielsen’s that have come through this school,” said Coach Coburn.
While his family helped introduce him to the sport, it was Nielsen’s passion for the game that brought him the most success. His love for the sport is evident through the hard work that he puts in. “I do a lot of practice outside of the training sessions that we have. So it always pushes me to improve myself,” said Nielsen.
Along with his work ethic, Nielsen’s leadership abilities came naturally. “There’s that phrase ‘lead by example.’ You see Jacob step out onto the field, whatever emotion he was feeling off on the sideline, or the way he was in school–it all changes,” said Coach Coburn.
As he plays in his final games on South’s turf, Nielsen will continue to cherish his last moments with his teammates. “The unity you build with every team member, it’s a bond you can’t really create anywhere else,” said Nielsen. He will finish a successful career as a person that present and future generations can look up to. “I really don’t know anyone that doesn’t like Jacob Nielsen,” said Coach Coburn. “He is just an all around fantastic young man.”