The starting pistol fires–all the runners take off, jockeying for first position. Wearing the bright Pirate green and gold, Catherine Gobo (’24) cuts through the pack and takes the lead.
As captain for South’s girls’ cross-country team and one of the top runners the school has produced, Gobo is on track to be recruited by D1 and D2 colleges.
Gobo’s passion for the sport started before middle school, and once she began, she just couldn’t stop. “I like running because it’s kind of like a discipline. It helps you stay focused,” she said.
She also credits running with helping her build friendships, develop and learn life skills, and introduce her to new opportunities.
But to get to where she is has taken an enormous amount of commitment and hard work. Cross-country team head coach Kathleen Reilly describes her as “one of the most dedicated athletes.”
Gobo’s dedication comes from her belief that doing the bare minimum is never enough. She says that during every possible chance, whether during hot summer days or pouring rain, she always ran.
Gobo’s hard-working attitude has radiated throughout the team. Teammate Mia Mankavil (’25) said, “Catherine always pushes us to do our best. She leads by example because she is always pushing herself in workouts and never takes the easy way out.”
But this hardworking attitude is not the only reason coaches or teammates admire her.
Cross country team head coach Robert Murphy said, “Although she’s earned the right to be more confident in herself, her modesty as one of the fastest runners in the state is refreshing. Her fun personality is also pleasant to have around on the team, and she helps create a positive atmosphere wherever she is.”
This humble and positive personality is what draws her teammates and peers to look up to her and is why she was chosen as the team captain for the 2023-2024 season. Teammate Nirati Iyer (’26) said, “She was really helpful during my freshman year because the adjustment from running in middle school to high school was difficult, but I was able to look to her for motivation and advice.”
During her career, Gobo has built quite a resume. She has gone to nationals, gotten top three at counties, and qualified for groups. But this has not satisfied her craving to win, as she hopes to break 19 in the 5k, to break 5:10 in the mile, and break 11:20 in the 2-mile in her last season.
Gobo’s teammates will certainly miss her presence. As Mankavil put it, “During her 4 years on the Pirates’ cross-country team, she has done more than just put down some amazing times. She’s given us some great memories and experiences that will stick with us.”

Top row from left to right: Kevin Lang (‘25), Venkat Mamidi (‘24), Nischal Karthikumar (‘25), Ethan Song (‘24), Anirudh Upilli Mukundan
(‘26), Aradhya Vijay (‘26), Arjun Suresh (‘25), Shravan Pradeep (‘25), and Joey Maddalon (‘25)
Bottom row from left to right: Sophie Tsai (‘26), Mia Mankavil (‘25), Nirati Iyer (‘26), Catherine Gobo (‘24), Lisandi Di Silva (‘25), Nikita
Menon (‘26), and Risha Rao (‘27). (Kathleen Reilly)