South’s response to Covid-19

Hand sanitization station.
November 10, 2021
As the pandemic continues, South’s administration has taken many precautionary measures to create a clean and secure environment for everyone, from more seating areas to sanitization stations.
On May 17, Governor Phil Murphy announced that all schools in New Jersey would start in-person school for the 2021-22 academic year. As a result, South welcomed all students and staff back to in person learning on Sept. 8, the first day of school.
Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, school life has adjusted to a new normal.
The first new normal is that we all wear masks. Nurse Maureen O’Connor said, “Every student is required to wear a mask at all times, except for eating and outdoor activities. We are making probably 40 to 50 phone calls to parents regarding their child’s health every day and we have spreadsheets that the Board of Health has to look at.”
Ms. O’Connor and MaryAnn Giambagno, who is also a nurse, are working to make sure all students and staff in the building are healthy throughout the school day. Students who show any symptoms or sickness must stay at home and will only be able to return with a negative Covid test result.
Adding to these precautions, the administration has split the lunch into two periods.
There have also been other changes at South, such as more seating areas, including some very hard decisions like canceling the pep rally and the Homecoming dance in October.
Since our return to South, because students are using common areas, like the media center, additional safety measures have been taken.
“We are following the guidelines that are provided to us,” said media center specialist Mary Desmond. “We are social distancing.”
The efforts of teachers and staff to keep the school building sanitized are visible throughout South.
“I think the school is way more clean, and everyone wears a mask and there’s a lot of hand sanitizer available,” said freshman Shrivarshika Vimalraj.
Principal Cincotta said, “If we are comfortable with our safety and we feel connected, then we’re able to learn and experience the whole High School South pride and spirit.”